3.1.1 Mission
The mission statement is current and comprehensive, accurately guides the institution’s operations, is periodically reviewed and updated, is approved by the governing board, and is communicated to the institution’s constituencies.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
The published mission statement of Southwest Texas Junior College (SWTJC) is as follows:
Southwest Texas Junior College is a comprehensive, public college serving eleven counties in Southwest Texas. The College provides accessible, affordable, high-quality education that prepares students to successfully transfer to senior colleges and universities; enter the job market; pursue their professional and personal goals; and contribute to the economic growth of the region.
The mission of Southwest Texas Junior College is current and comprehensive, accurately guides the College, and is periodically reviewed and updated. Revisions are approved by the governing board and communicated to the College’s constituencies. The mission is well-communicated in institutional publications, including in the catalog, on the website, faculty handbook and in other documents and pamphlets.
Southwest Texas Junior College Board policy requires that:
The college district must develop a statement regarding the purpose, role, and mission of the college district reflecting the three missions of higher education: teaching, research, and public service. AD (LEGAL)
The college district shall include in its role and mission statement the purpose of the college district as prescribed under Texas Education Code 130.003(e), that it shall primarily serve its local taxing district and service area, offering career technical/workforce, and academic courses for certificates or associate degrees. Continuing education, developmental education consistent with open admission policies, and a program of counseling and guidance shall also be provided.
The college district must publish its purpose, role, and mission statement in its official publication for students, generally the college district catalog.
The mission comprehensively addresses all aspects of the institutional operations as required by the Texas Administrative Code, Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 9, Sub-chapter C in meeting local district and state needs. The mission statement address all aspects of College activities and all segments of the College’s stakeholders. It addresses certificates, associate degrees, and transfer credit for bachelor degrees, as well as workforce education, continuing education, developmental education, and adult basic education. Additionally, the mission statement addresses the student support functions necessary for student success, as well as cultural and intellectual outreach to the community.
Guides the College
Southwest Texas Junior College mission guides the College at all levels of operation. The mission guides the College during strategic planning. During unit action planning (UAP) aligns its UAP in the context of the institutional mission, institutional goals and strategic objectives. From this are derived the ongoing activities of the unit. For each activity, the unit defines measures of effectiveness, expected outcomes, and targets for achievement. Based upon these measures, outcomes, and targets, the unit assesses its effectiveness.
Periodically Reviewed, Updated, Approved, and Current
The Southwest Texas Junior College mission statement is current. It is regularly reviewed as part of the Southwest Texas Junior College strategic planning process. Previous review and updates of the SWTJC Strategic Plan (and mission statement) took place in 2006, 2010, and 2013. In the spring of 2013, with the beginning of a new college administration, the college’s Curriculum Committee and the Service Operations Committee worked together to propose a revision of the SWTJC mission statement to present to the President’s Cabinet. The SWTJC Board of Trustees adopted the revised mission statement on August 15, 2013.
SWTJC_bot_meeting_August 15, 2013
SWTJC Catalog, 2014-2016, p. 1
SWTJC Website Mission Statement
SWTJC Faculty Handbook, 2014, p. 2
SWTJC Policy AD Legal: Education Role, Mission, Purpose, and Responsibility
Texas Education Code 130.003(e) State Appropriation for Public Junior Colleges
SWTJC Catalog, 2014, p.1
Texas Administrative Code 9.53: Role, Mission and Purpose of Public Community /Junior and Technical Colleges
SWTJC Strategic Plan
SWTJC Mission Review, August 8, 2013
SWTJC Cabinet Minutes, April 4, 2013
Board of Trustees Minutes, August 15, 2013